Bacallà a la Llauna
Like so many other dishes found around the world, bacallà a la llauna takes its name from the cookware it’s prepared in: in this case, a llauna, or special baking tin, that’s around 1-11⁄2 inches deep, with an elongated handle on either side (though there are also those without handles for use in the oven). Tin-baked salt cod is extremely popular in the city of Barcelona.
This dish has its origins in the famous Les Fondes (traditional Catalan cuisine restaurants in Barcelona city during the 19th century).
Across Catalonia, Lent is often represented by the figure of an old lady, who has as many legs as weeks during the period. The old lady carries a cod filet in her hand and a basket on her arm. According to tradition, one of her legs is ripped off with the passing of each week. Her name is La Vella Quaresma.
Below you will find a series of cod recipes, including bacallà a la llauna. According to Manuel Vázquez Montalabán, “The cod recipe with the most hegemonic hold on Catalan cuisine is, undoubtedly, bacallà a la llauna, an absolutely anthropological method for preparing cod that, when seen within the line of popular philosophy, is as defining as pa amb tomàquet or la botifarra amb seques.”